
Hello, welcome to my blog! Let me introduce myself, my name is Heather; I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, and more! I hope you enjoy my rambly thoughts about life.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Run awaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!

Today I would like to share with you one of my rules of life. It's a simple rule, and yet one I many times have a very hard time keeping. Ready for it? Here it is:


No really. See, so many times in my life (especially the more time I spend on the internet) I find myself in contact with a person who is for all intensive purposes crazy. At this moment, I have a choice: I can walk away and save myself much angst or I can choose to engage with them on their own playing ground. Unfortunately, too often I tend to forget my little rule and choose to engage. After all, I am quite certain that if they would just listen to me, they will in fact realize that the lime on their head is NOT really a helmet protecting them from Lord Vader's mind meld that is being broadcasted to them by the government through the oranges in the Supermarket. Alas, their inevitable response is that clearly I am not enlightened enough to realize that this is the plan that has been printed out in coded messages on the backs of road signs, decipherable only to the secret government operatives from England because of course-they drive on the wrong side of the road over there. At this point I am left banging my head against the wall and exclaiming loudly to my husband, "Who BELIEVES this sort of thing?!?!" and he is left reminding me once again that I broke my cardinal rule. So if ever you find yourself in conversation with one of our lime-wearing friends, please do yourself a favor and remember that whatever else you do: DON'T ENGAGE THE CRAZY PERSON!

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