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Tonight I came across this little gem of an article about the current trend in the Evangelical church towards trying to attract younger people by being "cool"
I have to say I really agree with what the article says. The general point given is about Christians trying so hard to be "relevant" they end up slightly ridiculous. It reminds me of this particular clip from YouTube:
Ok, the video is slightly tongue in cheek, but the point is bears some thought. In the article it talks about Christians using things like sex to get attention, I get that the idea is that "we're not prudes" but it totally desecrates the sacredness of the marriage bed which is very offensive to me personally. Christians cannot be "relevant" to modern culture in this way because the whole idea is that we ARE set apart. Not "holy" not "better than" just different. And honestly, that's what we SHOULD be saying. When pastors start referencing Lady Gag in an attempt to show how "in touch" they are, the have effectively lost touch with the absolute gift of being born again, becoming NEW. Why are we trying to be more secular when what we should be saying is that being "secular" being "modern" is NOT the answer, it's not going to fill you up. Eventually the edgy coolness wears off, and then what are you left with? Not much.
Now, lest people think I am all down on contemporary services, I'm not at all. I love all kinds of music and worship, I can worship just as well singing hymns as I can to a drama piece. BUT, when it's clear that people are trying to evoke emotion in me, I feel manipulated and totally turned off. REAL is not someone telling me how real they are, it's someone just saying what's on their mind. I have cried in service, but it was when something resonated honestly within me. Look, I'm not against special lights or anything like that, but I am tired of the church being turned into a show.
Let me tell you what I love. See, I'm in a church right now that's stinking awesome. They don't do lights shows, but the music is amazing. Testimonies are shared, sermons are planned...and sometimes those plans are scrapped to sing or pray or follow the Lord's leading. We pray for each other, support each other and share with each other. Sometimes we cry, and sometimes something touches one person more than another and that's ok. It's not always emotional, but it is truly RELEVANT because it's real. It's seeking first to LEARN MORE about God, to understand His word and His will, it is then to support each other, to live with one another and share burdens. Emotion is not ever the goal, and it's not a sign of a great service, we're not "cool" we're us.